“Young, Famous & African,” Netflix’s first African reality series, has debuted its first trailer. Peace Hyde, Martin Asare Amankwa, and Adelaide Joshua Hill co-created and executive produced the series. It features renowned media personalities from South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda. This reality series follows a group of famous and affluent young media stars as they build careers, look for love and rekindle old flames in Johannesburg. The unscripted and unconventional show which premieres on Netflix on Friday, March 18, 2022, promises to deliver sensual, spectacular, and giggly entertainment as viewers enjoy a special look into the world of Africa’s finest.
These stars hope to make new friends, find romance, and possibly rekindle old flames on this new adventure. Entrepreneur and socialite Zarinah ‘Zari’ Hassan, actress and television host Khanyi Mbau, singer and songwriter Diamond Platnumz, and actor and entrepreneur Annie Macaulay-Idibia are among the cast members of Young Famous & African. Popstar Innocent ‘2Baba’ Idibia, celebrity stylist Jeremiah ‘Swanky Jerry’ Ogbodo, rapper Nadia Nakai, TV personality Andile Ncube, DJ Quinton ‘Naked DJ’ Masina, and socialite Kayleigh Schwark will also appear in this reality TV series.
From the casting, it is clear that there is a mix of creative and successful young Africans who are set to bring this show to life as the show will follow their lives. The teaser clip highlights the rich life of these young individuals, showing the flashy cars, clothes and even private jets that they flaunt.
There’s a lot to expect from the reality TV show, and one can tell from the details hinting at a cheating scandal mentioned in the teaser clip.
You can catch the final trailer here.: