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The Magic Herb Beauty Hacks With Aloe-Vera

When I was younger, I had a plant bucket which I planted aloe vera as a project in school. Although I used it severally on my hair, little did I know that aloe vera does so much.

Aloe Vera is one of the most widely used herbal remedies for topical skin conditions. In fact, you might have used it for minor cuts or surface injuries.

Personally, I’m not a fan of experimenting with different products especially when it has to do with my skin. I research and use natural products basically for perfectly glowing skin. It’s important you know, that they are 420 different species of aloe. The one referred to in this article is aloe barbadensis miller. Here is why aloe vera is my official go-to herb for a quick skin fix.

1) Sunburn: Although research has proven that aloe vera is not 100% effective in preventing your skin from sunburn, aloe vera does help in soothing sunburn.

2) Dry Skin: Aloe vera gel absorbs moisture easily, so you might consider swapping your moisturizer for aloe after bathing to help seal moisture into your skin.

3) Frostbite: This is an injury suffered as a result of freezing of some part of the body, typically fingers, toes or the nose. Aloe vera has been known as a remedy for this.

4) Eczema: This is a non-contagious acute or chronic inflammation of the skin, characterized by excessive dryness and itchiness of the skin. The moisturizing effects of aloe help to ease the dryness of the skin.

5) Inflammatory acne: Aloe gel is anti-inflammatory so you can apply aloe gel to help treat inflammatory forms of acne. Aloe contains two hormones called Gibberellins and Auxin that can stimulate the growth of new cells.

6) Daily detoxicant: Aloe vera contains amino acids and vitamins, it’s a wonderful aid for digestion and can expel unwanted toxins from your system. So yes you can take aloe vera every morning this can be cultivated as a healthy morning ritual.

7) Natural Primer: Apart from aloe vera being a natural sunburn soother, aloe gel can also be used as a primer before applying your foundation.

8)Makeup remover: Oh yes, you can quickly replace your makeup remover with aloe gel for glowing facial skin.

9) Facial mask: A renowned American dermatologist said that aloe vera can be used perfectly as a facial mask. Although is wise to get your skin tested first, as it can cause irritation too, especially when you leave it for too long on your skin. For a mask,  apply aloe gel for 5 – 10 minutes then wash it out

10) Exfoliator: Aloe gel contains beta-hydroxy acid and salicylic acid. Both help to exfoliate the skin.

Of course, aloe gel can be combined with Turmeric, Coconut oil, Apple cider vinegar (ACV), Yogurt for a perfectly even skin tone. Try not to apply too much so that your skin does not get irritated. You can share your experiences after using this miracle herb in the comments box.

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