
Blaqbonez, Chike, and Raybekah aim at ‘Breaking The Yoke Of Love’ in their latest single

Poster for “Breaking The Yoke Of Love 2”

Picture romantic love or romantic relationship as a governmental institution set to maintain order in society. For the most part, citizens adhere strictly (or at least appear to follow) the one-man-one-woman rule of this romantic institution. 

Some citizens flout this rule but not with their bare chests as they would rather disobey in secrecy than be scolded openly for following their hearts’ desires of polygamy or polyamory as the case may be. 

Here in lies Blaqbonez. An anarchist of the romantic love government who publicly flouts the rule, even calling on his fellow brethren who do not believe in the romantic love government to join his coup against ‘Breaking The Yoke Of Love’. Chike and Raybekah gladly responded, armed to the teeth in support of their leader, Blaqbonez. 

Chike, Blaqbonez, and Raybekah—the “Breaking The Yoke Of Love” avengers

Sometimes love is sweet / Sometimes love is peace / But these days, love is wicked”, Chike paints his reality, stating his reasons for joining the campaign against Breaking The Yoke Of Love. 

Raybekah echoes Chike’s sentiment, “Hmm, sometimes love is joy / Sometimes love is peace / But these days, love is wicked / Sometimes love is peace / Sometimes love is strength / But these days, lo-o-love is wicked”.

After the orchestral-esque chorus from both vocalists, Blaqbonez delivers a breathtaking counter-intuitive verse to justify his reason for campaigning against Breaking The Yoke Of Love

Amidst his plethora of reasons, Blaqbonez points out the absurdity of the one-man-one-woman rule of the romantic love government, “Life ain’t no fairy tale, life ain’t no Adam and Eve / They ain’t no soul mates / There ain’t no one person out there that’s for you / That’s stupid as f–k mate / In a whole planet of seven billion people / Somebody told me that one is enough / That’s crazy”, the rapper queries. 

He also aims at shedding light on the ravenous nature of citizens in the romantic love government; Blaqbonez claims they do not faithfully obey the rule, directly accusing the female citizens in particular of being emotionless cheats. 

Okay you love yours, that’s cool / But she / She still gon’ talk to her ex you know it / When she go out in that dress / There’s somebody out there that’s throwing more stacks / You think, you think / You are the only one she sending streaks to?”, Blaqbonez advises the male citizens of the romantic love government to realise its flaws and awaken from their slumber to join in his coup—the ‘Breaking The Yoke Of Love’ campaign. 

Other reasons why Blaqbonez believes there is nothing such as an ideal one-man-one-woman soulmate principle are infatuations, lust, and the deceitful nature of humans. “Swear these humans would lie and deceive you / All my life mehn I’ve seen so much evil / If dem tell you the truth e go weak you / Like Portable said “Dem go rip you”, Blaq says, even referencing the Zazoo crooner to solidify his point. 

Breaking The Yoke Of Love is the annual crusade by Blaqbonez which comes up during Valentine’s season in opposition of February’s theme of love. 

The second edition—Breaking The Yoke of Love 2—is themed “HAMMER AWAY ALL MY TEARS, I MUST SMILE!!!February 8 and 10 are the scheduled date for the event organised to take place at The Good Beach, Lagos, Nigeria. 

In preparation of “Breaking The Yoke Of Love 2” crusade, make sure to listen to its theme music by Blaqbonez, Chike, and RaybekahaongsBlaqbonez ao

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